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Velosolex Solex 4600 by BrianSolex

05. 4600 V1 advertisments/publicité


        Velosolex Solex 4600 V1 Advertisements

                 above - Canadian advertisement showing a 4600 V1 and an S 3800




                                      above - Canadian 4600 V1 Advertisement



                          above - Multi-national 4600 V1 "Adam & Eve" Advertisement



                  above - English Advertisement for the 3800, 4600, 5000 and Pli-Solex



                     above - American / English "Adam & Eve" 4600 V1 Advertisement



                   above - Austrian / Swiss "Adam & Eve" 4600 V1 Advertisement



                                                  above - Danish 4600 V1 advertisement




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